Parliament Debate Footer

Contributing to the Parliament debate

DateDebate title/ Bill nameDebate Type
18-March-2020 Need to increase aerobridge in Surat airport in Gujrat.SPECIAL MENTION (ZERO HOUR)
10-July-2019 Further general discussion on the Union Budget for 2019-2020.UNION BUDGET
07-August-2015 Introduction of the Writing of Medical Prescriptions in Capital Letters and Opening of Generic Medicines Shops Bill, 2015.PRIVATE MEMBERS' BILLS
20-March-2015Further Discussion on resolution regarding scheme for development of technical skills amongst youth to enable them to contribute towards making India a modern country and achieving the goal of ‘Make in India'' moved by Shri C.R. Patil on 19th December, 2014 (resolution withdrawn).PRIVATE MEMBERS' RESOLUTIONS
13-March-2015 Introduction of the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance (Amendment) Bill, 2015 (Amendment of Section 18).PRIVATE MEMBERS' BILLS
11-March-2015Combined discussion on the Budget (Railways) 2015-16; Demands for Grants on Account Nos. 1 to 16 in respect of Budget (Railways) 2015-16 and Supplementary Demands for Grants in respect of Budget (Railway) 2014-15.BUDGET (RAILWAYS)
27-Feb-2015 Introduction of the Food Safety and Standards (Amendment) Bill, 2015. (Insertion of new section 56A).PRIVATE MEMBERS' BILLS
26-Feb-2015 Need to make available adequate medicines for treatment of AIDS patients in Gujarat.MATTERS UNDER RULE-377
19-Dec-2014 Resolution regarding scheme for development of technical skills amongst youth to enable them to contribute towards making India a modern country and achieving the Goal of ‘Make In India’.PRIVATE MEMBERS' RESOLUTIONS
12-Dec-2014 Introduction of the Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2014 (Insertion of New Articles 21b, 21c and 21d).PRIVATE MEMBERS' BILLS
12-Dec-2014 Introduction of the Special Financial Assistance to the State of Gujarat Bill, 2014.PRIVATE MEMBERS' BILLS
12-Dec-2014 Introduction of Abolition of Begging Bill, 2014.PRIVATE MEMBERS' BILLS
31-Jul-2014 Need to increase air services between Delhi, Surat and Mumbai.SPECIAL MENTION
15-Jul-2014 Further combined discussion on the Budget (Railways) 2014-15 and Demands for Excess Grants No. 12 and 13 in respect of Budget (Railways)-2011-12 (Discussion Concluded).BUDGET (RAILWAYS)
06-June-2014 Motions for Election of the Speaker, moved by Shri Narendra Modi and seconded by Shri L.K. Advani (Motion Adopted).ELECTION OF SPEAKER / DY. SPEAKER